The principles of Redux are that the state of the application should be stored in a single location, or "store," and that changes to the state should be made using pure functions called "reducers."
To use Redux with a React application, the store and reducers can be integrated into the application using the react-redux library.
The process of integrating Redux into a React application involves creating the store and reducers, and then using the connect function from react-redux to connect the store and reducers to specific components in the React application.
The tutorial covers a variety of topics related to using Redux with React, including how to avoid mutating data structures, how to use the combineReducers function to simplify the process of defining multiple reducers, and how to use the Provider component from react-redux to make the store available to all components in the application.
Intro and 3 Principles of Redux
The Reducer and the Store
Implementing the Store from Scratch
A React Counter Example
Avoiding Array Mutations
Avoiding Object Mutations
Writing a Todo List Reducer
Reducer Composition with Arrays
Reducer Composition with Objects
Reducer Composition with combineReducers
Implementing combineReducers() from Scratch
Example: Adding a Todo
Example: Toggling a Todo
Example: Filtering Todos
Extracting Presentational Components: Todo and TodoList
Extracting Presentational Components: AddTodo, Footer, and FilterLink
Extracting Container Components: Filter Link
Extracting Container Components: VisibleTodoList and AddTodo
Passing the Redux Store Explicitly via Props
Passing the Redux Store Explicitly via Context
Passing the Store via Provider from react-redux
Generating Containers with connect(): VisibleTodoList
Generating Containers with connect(): AddTodo
Generating Containers with connect(): FooterLink