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In today's time-crunched, post-pandemic world brimming with MOOCs and coding boot camps, selecting a proven path to learn how to code can mean the...
Someone recently asked me what would I do if I had to start over again today. I'm a full-stack developer with over a decade of hands-on experience in...
Twitter open-sourced the code for their Recommendation Algorithm. This algorithm is responsible to find, rank, and show you relevant tweets on your...
Have you ever seen those mindblowing 3D websites and wondered how they were built? Most of them are built with the help of Three.js, which is a...
Learning Git isn't easy. There are tons of confusing and complicated commands. Because of this, most people only learn the absolute basics of Git such...
Introduction Open source software (OSS) is intimidating to get involved with as a newer developer but so rewarding once you do. Beginners have a hard...